A blank canvas and cold winds

Blow torch fusing wax

Blow torch fusing wax

A blank canvas faces me as cold winds blow from the north. Actually I’m looking at blank boards rather than canvas because I paint on the rigid support of plywood rather than flexible canvas.

Christmas festivities are long gone and 2019 is well under way. I’m trying to knuckle down to painting again which is easier said than done. I’ve been longing to get back into the Studio to light up my torch. I want to smell the heady perfume of melting beeswax. I need to squeeze those oil paint tubes onto paper towels, watch the oil soak up leaving a slash of bright colour to stir into the pots of wax. My brushes are standing there, patiently waiting to get back to work.

My head is so full of what I want to paint I’m stuck, there’s too much I want to get out, especially after three weeks away. The knots in the wood draw me in, sending me off on another tangent as I think of how clever nature is. In front of me are natural objects that took years to grow, wax that took the bees months to make. I want to do justice to them.

I’m wrapped up against the cold wind whistling through the Studio. I need to keep it well ventilated due to potential fumes as I heat up the wax. One day I’ll install a proper vent then maybe winter painting won’t be quite so chilly.

Cinnamon Andrews artist in winter

Studio winter woollies

I look up at our old boat ensign flapping away, remembering sailing days gone by. I’m glad I’m not at sea today. The almond blossom is coming out, brilliant whites and pale pinks against dark, thundery skies. This month I’m happier on land looking at the blossom rather than white horses at sea. Maybe that’s what I’ll paint, starting with some grey seas, and boiling surf.

Maybe I’ll close the windows against the cold wind and paint with cold wax instead, warm up my fingers, toes and nose.

The blank canvas stares woodenly back at me.

Almond blossom in Mallorca

Almond blossom in Mallorca


The Joys of Being an Artist


Waves in Mallorca